

Greater New Orleans STEM

    • Stipends Available
    • Cost Associated
    • For Teachers
  • 2000 Lakeshore Dr., Oliver St. Pe Center (Trac), New Orleans, Louisiana, 70148

  • July 12, 2022 - July 13, 2022


Teachers will embark on a journey through a middle school unit focusing on climate change where students engage in activities addressing causes and effects of and potential solutions to climate change with a goal of empowering them to take action to impact critical issues facing our global and local communities. Participating teachers will experience the lessons as a student, interact with other participants to share implementation ideas, and receive a Teacher’s Guide for this NGSS and Phenomena-Based unit funded by the National Geographic Society. Upon completion of the 2-day workshop, teachers will receive a $150 stipend. There is a $20 deposit that will be refunded to teachers upon completion of the PD. Space is limited, so sign up now! Preference will be given to classroom middle school science/STEM teachers.
Greater New Orleans STEM
Greater New Orleans STEM Initiative helps teachers create learning environments where students discover how to discuss and communicate ideas, listen and work with others, and think like scientists. We help students develop foundational STEM skills that fuel their curiosity, interest and aptitude in science, technology, engineering and math. GNO STEM provides quality teacher professional development, hands-on STEM camps for students and teachers, and organized successful community STEM events that draw thousands of K-12 students, families, and teachers.
  • Created:
    June 13, 2022, 3:28 p.m.
  • Published:
    June 13, 2022, 3:28 p.m.